WRE Quick Links
Gifted & Talented Program
Other Info
Middle/High School
Quick Links
If you would like your child to start the program on the first day, September 9, it is important that you enroll your child by September 4. It would be best to complete the online enrollment or turn in your child's enrollment at Open House. This will help us prepare for staffing for our program.
Limited bus transportation will be available to transport students home from the program. Parents will receive details about bus routes once enrollment is complete. Please include the exact address on the enrollment form if you are choosing bus transportation.
If you need to make changes to your child's schedule anytime during the program it is important that you do so before 12:00 pm each day. It is even better to make these changes at least one day in advance. Please be sure you inform the after school program director and secretary of these changes. You may find their contact information by clicking on After School Program above which will take you back to the main page.
Online Enrollment:
Click on the purple link on the left and complete the Google Form. If after completing the form you find that you need to circle specific days your child is attending, you may print that form by clicking printable schedule. You may also pick this form up in the elementary office anytime. Please be sure to turn it in as soon as possible, but not later than September 4.
Paper Enrollment:
You may pick up enrollment paperwork in the elementary office anytime or print the paper enrollment to the left. Please turn in all paperwork as soon as possible, but no later than September 4.